
Just Stranger
Sunday, April 29, 2012 | 5:53 AM | 6 Choco Lovers

Bonjour all~  =_________=
Hmmmmm... apa yang seharusnya kulakukan saat ini???
Btw, blog ini sepi yah...
Ni dia, kesedihan di blogku yang satu ini...
a. Jarang yang nyapa di ShoutBox...
b. Jarang yang ngopi & ngamen di postinganku...
c. Music lemot, putus-nyambung
d. Judul MixChoco, hubungan apa??? [maksud, MixChoco tu nama perusahaanku nanti]
e. Banyak followers baru nyasar ke blog ini, padahal yang kuinginkan follow blogku yang ke-1
f. Ngga ada istimewanya
g. Post tidak menarik

h. Pemilik blog sedikit strange... 

Yah, itulah yang kubenci saat ini... Dan pemilik blog ini yang bernama RinRin-chang  [pernah diolokin begitu...] ini terlalu bego'....
Duuuuhhhhh!!!! PUSING banget rasanya, disini, disitu ada masalah....
diatas, dibawah, juga ada masalah
diluar, didalam? JUGA sama...
AAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! Lama kelamaan aku jadi stallkerersss...
Kira-kira siapa yang bisa ngilangin  stallkerersss ini yah???
Terutama di sekolah....
Yang kupikir MENYENANGKAN, malah jadi MENYEBALKAN!!!
Ni menu kesebalanku...
a. Ada yang ngasut aku!
b. Ada juga yang suka ganggu waktu aku konsentrasi
c. Banyak yang pinjam alat tulisku SEMBARANGAN [aaaarrrrggggghhhh!!! Paling BENCI]

d. Yang paling parah, namaku diolokin jadi GANTRUNG! [Dlm bhs. Jawa artinya Capung, aku kerdil banget... =_="] Itu semua dimulai karena da temanku yang celometan sambil nyebutin namaku "Aigan'TRUNG!'" Trus anehnya ditambahin ama si anak tu "DVD Player" Apa hubungannya yah... -____-" Aku terlalu menganggapnya serius....

Tapi, bodohnya aku, gitu malah aku ladenin anak kaya' gitu....
Sebenarnya dia apa aku sih yang idiot!? Ugggggghhhhh mungkin gue kali' yah???
Lama-lama kalo gua ketemu dia lagi nih, Gua gaplok plok plok plokin ga habis-habis sampe jadi telor ceplok!
SEBBEEELLLLL! *Maaf aku hanya sedikit  stallkerersss ...

Daahhhh.... terimakasih atas perhatiannya. Kali ini anda dibagikan cerita oleh stranger yang bego'
Sudah deh, bingung nulis apa lagi. Pokoknya hari itu aku MARAH BESAR pasak dari pada TIANG
Lewatkan & Lupakan pembicaraan yang Ge'Je' ini...

Arigatou~ X3
Just Message...
Saturday, March 17, 2012 | 8:38 PM | 4 Choco Lovers

Alone... I dont know, when I got a friend. But, I wishes with you... Be my friend okay??? It's little shying, I dont have any followers! X( It's bad... -_-"
Btw, I find my favorite pic.

Yes, that's all... 
Thanks all...
Don't forget for follow me...

おりがみ の ひ
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | 1:17 AM | 0 Choco Lovers
Konnichiwa Minna!!! XD
You know what day now??? Today is おりがみ の ひ Okay2 this : The day of Origami.
Do you like make origami??? Who's grandmaster of origami???
Yoshizawa Akira
Yoshizawa was born on March 14, 1911, in Kaminokawa, Japan, to the family of a dairy farmer. When a child, he took pleasure in teaching himself origami. He moved into a factory job in Tokyo when he was 13 years old. His passion for it was rekindled in his early 20s, when he was promoted from factory worker to technical draftsman. His new job was to teach junior employees geometry. Yoshizawa used the traditional art of origami to understand and communicate geometrical problems.

In 1937 he left factory work to pursue origami full-time. During the next 20 years, he lived in total poverty, earning his living by door-to-door selling of tsukudani (a Japanese preserved condiment that is usually made of seaweed). His origami work was creative enough to be included in the 1944 book Origami Shuko, by Isao Honda (本多 功). However it was his work for a 1951 issue of the magazine Asahi Graph that launched his career although, according to another account, his first step on the professional road was a set of 12 zodiac signs commissioned by a magazine in 1954.

In 1954 his first monograph, Atarashi Origami Geijutsu (New Origami Art) was published. In this work he established the Yoshizawa-Randlett system of notation for origami folds (a system of symbols, arrows and diagrams), which has become the standard for most paperfolders. The publishing of this book helped Yoshizawa out of his poverty. It was followed closely by his founding of the International Origami Centre in Tokyo in 1954, when he was 43.

His first overseas exhibition was organised in 1955 by Felix Tikotin, a Dutch architect and art collector of German-Jewish origin, in the Stedelijk Museum. Yoshizawa lent many of his own origami models to other exhibitions around the world. He would never sell his origami figures, but rather gave them away as gifts to people, and let other groups and organizations borrow them for exhibiting.
His second wife, Kiyo Yoshizawa, served as his manager and taught origami alongside him till his death on his 94th birthday

That is all about Yoshizawa Akira
I take this story from THIS 
 Beside that, I take acute picture XD!

Arigatou ne~ X3
Friday, March 9, 2012 | 12:52 AM | 0 Choco Lovers

Sendiri, sunyi senyap, tak ada yang menampa. Blog ini memang sudah berubah, Tapi aku bingung untuk M-E-N-G-U-B-A-H nya. Begitu sulit jika memakai BlogSkin. Dan mengedit-nya itu R-U-M-I-T. Siapa pun yang bisa membantuku tolong yah.... Onegai.... -_________-"
Nah S-K-I-P kan pembicaraan yang GeJe ini.
Btw aku nemu gambar yg imut loh.... '0'
Ni dia....... Hiks hiks...  -_-"

Arigatou... >o<
My 2nd Blog
Thursday, March 8, 2012 | 9:38 PM | 0 Choco Lovers

Konnichiwa~ Everyone! This my 2nd blog. 
Hmm... my 1st blog is THIS.
So, my name is Gabie, but you can call me Rinka/RinRin.
That is all...
Arigatou... >o<
